Following is a sample client class for testing ValidateUsernameRequest SPML webservice:
Pre Requisite:
Have OIMServer.jar file in your class path. OIMServer.Jar file is located at
$IDM_HOME/server/apps/oim.ear/APP-INF/lib directory.
Sample Client Class is as follows:
Pre Requisite:
Have OIMServer.jar file in your class path. OIMServer.Jar file is located at
$IDM_HOME/server/apps/oim.ear/APP-INF/lib directory.
Sample Client Class is as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.core.ServiceHeaderType; import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2custom.username.ValidateUsernameResponseType; public class SPMLWSClientTest { public SPMLWSClientTest() { super(); } private static final QName SERVICE_NAME = new QName("", "SPMLService"); public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { URL wsdlURL = new URL("http://oimhost:oimport/spml-xsd/SPMLService?wsdl"); SPMLService ss = new SPMLService(wsdlURL, SERVICE_NAME); SPMLRequestPortType port = ss.getSPMLServiceProviderSoap(); try { CustomSOAPHandler sh = new CustomSOAPHandler(); List<Handler> new_handlerChain = new ArrayList<Handler>(); new_handlerChain.add(sh); ((BindingProvider) port).getBinding().setHandlerChain(new_handlerChain); //port.callService(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ServiceHeaderType serviceHeader = new ServiceHeaderType(); System.out.println("Invoking spmlValidateUsernameRequest..."); oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2custom.username.ValidateUsernameRequestType requestData = new oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2custom.username.ValidateUsernameRequestType(); oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.core.ExecutionModeType async = oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.core.ExecutionModeType.ASYNCHRONOUS; requestData.setExecutionMode(async); requestData.setLocale("en"); requestData.setUsername("test0298"); ValidateUsernameResponseType valReturn = port.spmlValidateUsernameRequest(requestData, serviceHeader); System.out.println("spmlValidateUsername.result= " + valReturn.getStatus()); } } |
The output from the
Invoking spmlValidateUsernameRequest...
spmlValidateUsername.result= SUCCESS
The CustomSoapHandler used to build the SOAP Security Header information is as follows:
Note: The username and password in the below class have to be modified to the correct values.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 | import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.Name; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader; import; import; public class CustomSOAPHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final String AUTH_PREFIX = "wsse"; private static final String AUTH_NS = ""; public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) { try { SOAPEnvelope envelope = context.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope(); SOAPFactory soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); SOAPElement wsSecHeaderElm = soapFactory.createElement("Security", AUTH_PREFIX, AUTH_NS); Name wsSecHdrMustUnderstandAttr = soapFactory.createName("mustUnderstand", "S", ""); wsSecHeaderElm.addAttribute(wsSecHdrMustUnderstandAttr, "1"); SOAPElement userNameTokenElm = soapFactory.createElement("UsernameToken", AUTH_PREFIX, AUTH_NS); Name userNameTokenIdName = soapFactory.createName("id", "wsu", ""); userNameTokenElm.addAttribute(userNameTokenIdName, "UsernameToken-ORbTEPzNsEMDfzrI9sscVA22"); SOAPElement userNameElm = soapFactory.createElement("Username", AUTH_PREFIX, AUTH_NS); userNameElm.addTextNode("xelsysadm"); SOAPElement passwdElm = soapFactory.createElement("Password", AUTH_PREFIX, AUTH_NS); Name passwdTypeAttr = soapFactory.createName("Type"); passwdElm.addAttribute(passwdTypeAttr, ""); passwdElm.addTextNode("Password123"); userNameTokenElm.addChildElement(userNameElm); userNameTokenElm.addChildElement(passwdElm); wsSecHeaderElm.addChildElement(userNameTokenElm); if (envelope.getHeader() == null) { SOAPHeader sh = envelope.addHeader(); sh.addChildElement(wsSecHeaderElm); } else { SOAPHeader sh = envelope.getHeader(); sh.addChildElement(wsSecHeaderElm); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return Collections.emptySet(); } public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) { return false; } public void close( context) { } } |
I am getting below error while I am running the program.
Exception in thread "main" Unable to add security token for identity, token uri =
Can you please guide me for the same.
Can you post java client for Reset password?
I am using class oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.password.ResetPasswordRequestType
THANKS! I've struggled with UsernameToken security for the invocation of those SPML services and after hours searching on the internet this post did the trick.
On the other hand I have to mention that I also had issues when invoking the services, obtaining the error: Method spmlBatchRequest is exposed as WebMethod, but there is no corresponding wsdl operation with name {}SPMLBatchRequest in the wsdl:portType{}SPMLRequestPortType.
This was solved by creating a Web Service Client with NetBeans, indicating the WSDL URL, creating a class with a main class with this code in it:
ValidateUsernameRequestType validateUser = new ValidateUsernameRequestType();
ValidateUsernameResponseType retValUser = spmlValidateUsernameRequest(validateUser);
System.out.println("spml validate user =" + retValUser.isValid());
After this drag and drop the desired method (spmlValidateUsernameRequest) from the WebService references and adding the following code before the return statement:
CustomSOAPHandler sh = new CustomSOAPHandler();
List new_handlerChain = new ArrayList();
((BindingProvider) port).getBinding().setHandlerChain(new_handlerChain);
return port.spmlValidateUsernameRequest(body);
Thanks again.
C. Chiappe
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