Monday, December 3, 2012

Creating a Custom UDF in OIM 11g R2

High level steps to Create a Custom Attribute are as follows:

1. Create Custom LDAP Attributes in OUD using ODSM.
2. Add this Attribute as Optional in OrclIDXPerson Object Class.
3. Login to OIM System Administration screen and create OIM Custom Attribute in User form and specify the Custom Attribute created in Step 1 as LDAP Attribute. (Create a sandbox and publish it after creating the Attribute)
4. Add this Attribute in the Create User, Modfiy User, and View User Details Page.
5. Create a user with adding value in the Custom Attribute and this value will be saved in OUD.

Detailed information about adding an UDF in OIM 11g R2 is available in the following document:

The below document outlines the detailed steps of Creating an Custom Object Class and Custom Attributes and Use this Custom Object Class to Create an user in OIM and OUD.

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